Thursday, 1 March 2012

Good discussion today on BBC Radio Nottingham, concerning E-books considering today is International Book Day*.
Managed one of my sporadic gibbers on the phone, mainly pointing out that while I've over 3000 books - and will always want more - I adore my Kindle as a versatile adjunct to the printed novel.

*  It seems that every day in the calender is an International *Somesuch* Day, usually decided upon by someone no one has ever heard of, for unspecified motive, for no other reason than, perhaps, to highlight said item/cause.  There's never any publicity or drive apart from - I assume - a press release to the usual agencies, such as Reuters.  Hypothetically, I imagine it's possible to pick a random date and declare it "National Scuff Day" and have media with space to publicise the plight of badly treated shoes!  Perhaps I could get fiscal sponsorship from the Shoe Manufacturers of Great Britain.



  1. Yes tomorrow is spoil your wife rotten day :-)

  2. Hmmmmm. I can't help thinking there is some form of undue influence being applied here.

  3. I'm actually jealous of y'all over in Britain today after finding out about World Book Day ( It looks oriented towards young people, but hey, if they learn the wonders of the written word when young, they will perhaps read when they are old like me, right?

    Just curious--was the BBC discussion a podcast? I'd love a way to hear BBC Radio here in the States...

    (and Mrs. Bishop--I hope you get your holiday LOL)

  4. BBC Radio Nottingham's link:

    It was on Mark Dennison's show on 1st March.

    BBC radio is pretty well served by podcast and on t'internet. My favourite "listen again" is on BBC Radio 4 Extra (used to be Radio 7) Plenty of crime thrillers and comedy:

    At the moment, they've got all 5 episodes of "Gaudy Night". They frequently play Lindsey Davis' "Falco" series.
